Pastor Douglas Harris was called to ministry as a child but chose to ignore it. His history of service in the Lord's Church includes being a choir member, Sunday School teacher/superintendent, and deacon, at the Second Baptist Church of Evanston, IL (1983-88) and Saint Paul's Baptist Church in Conshohocken, PA (1989-98). Licensed to preach in 1997, he studied pastoral counseling at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pastor Harris has served as an associate pastor at Covenant House of God Church of Philadelphia (1998-2008), at Spiritual Awakening Ministries in Wilmington, DE (2008-13), and Kingdom Worship Center Church since 2013.
During his corporate career, Pastor Harris distinguished himself as the highest-ranking African American at four major corporations. He holds a BA in Education from the College of New Jersey and an MBA from Fordham University. He and his wife Myrna celebrated their 41st anniversary in 2014. Pastor Harris authored “The Life, Legend and Legacy of John Allan Harris;” a biography of his grandfather; “The Marvel Chronicles,” a memoir of his mother’s life; and “Raised by Giants: Growing Up Colored/Negro/Black in Burlington, NJ Back in the Day.”

Elder Sharon M. Stewart was raised in a God-fearing home by her mother Susan Briddell. The principles instilled by her mother, combined with the teaching she received at the Tindley Temple United Methodist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, allowed Sharon to have a very strong Christian foundation. She received her salvation at a Billy Graham crusade.
Sharon later joined Rock of Ages Holy Church with her husband Minister Charles E. Stewart, under the leadership of Pastor Raymond Walker, Jr. Joining Rock of Ages allowed Sharon to experience God on a new level. She mentored by Mother Inez Tisdale and Evangelist Gloria Thomas, Sharon began her quest to become, ‘God’s Woman’. Through the years Sharon has also served and been influenced by the leadership of Elder Eunice Goode and Pastor Darrell Parham, Sr. Her consistently has positioned Sharon to become a respected vessel, ready for use, walking in the gifts and anointing entrusted to her by God. In obedience to God, Sharon united with her son, Pastor Damian C. Stewart, to aid in birthing Kingdom Worship Center Church in 2007. Ordained an Elder in the Body of Christ, Sharon sows into the destiny of many and is the 'rock' of her family.

Elder Valerie Hill was born and raised in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, currently living in Ft. Worth, Texas. As a teenager she joined Rock of Ages Holy Church under the leadership of Bishop Raymond Walker, Jr. As a member she served in many capacities as an usher, choir member, and Sunday school teacher, to name a few. She received her calling from the Lord to carry the Word of God to the young and old. Valerie has had great leadership examples through Pastor Eunice M. Goode and Pastor Darrell L. Parham, Sr.
While working for Fidelity Life Insurance Company and later Rock of Ages Daycare she attended college in the evenings to receive her degree in Early Childhood Education. Her love of cooking helps her thrive in part-time catering. She taught pre-kindergarten for several years before retiring in 2014. God has since allowed her to transition to Texas. Her love and connection with Rock of Ages (Rock Kingdom Worship Center) has continued to this day.

Minister Ayanna Jade Oglesby-Hodges was born and raised in Calumet Park, Illinois. She accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior at the age of six and was baptized at Sure Deliverance MB Church. At sixteen, she recommitted her life to Christ with a greater understanding of a true relationship with Him and became a member of Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church in Chicago, IL.
She holds an Associate’s Degree in Science and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Temple University in May 2009. Ayanna is currently a professional Biologist with a major international pharmaceutical company. She serves as the CEO for Rock Kingdom Worship Center.

Elder Timika Byrd is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She developed a love for the study of God’s word and prayer at a very young age. She has served in many capacities in the church and has a diverse anointing for preaching and teaching.
She received her education in the Philadelphia public school system and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Temple University. Of all the things God has allowed her to accomplish in life, her greatest desire is to please God in her press daily toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Her favorite scripture is: “And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also”. John 14:3 She is living to live again and strongly believes that if she can help someone find Christ along the way then her living will not be in vain.